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Pro Bono M.A.D. Fridays

For all women who aspire to be M.A.D ( Make a Difference)


At Aspire’s new home in Blackwell House, London.

For women who want to make a difference to gather together to effect change.

Share ideas, contacts and resources with like-minded women..

Mentoring circles, collective workshops, and discussions.

Feel inspired and empowered and reignited to make a difference.

No cost to attend/pro bono day.

M.A.D Fridays are for you if:

You aspire to make a bigger difference to others in your life, work or world.

You need a boost of inspiration and new insights.

You work for a charity or not for profit and there are not always the budgets for mentoring and development opportunities.

You work for a corporation or business and you want to give back and share your skills and experience.

You want to meet like-minded women to share ideas and support.

Social and networking opportunities.

From education to the gender pay gap, from homelessness to climate change, what is the issue that you want to make a difference?

When women gather together, we can achieve incredible things and make a real difference.


We are opening up Aspire for mentoring circles, collective workshops, and discussions. Join our M.A.D. gatherings for the inspiration, support, ideas and empowerment to go back out into the world and make a bigger difference!


Come and join a mentoring circle with a small group of women to help with and support each other’s M.A.D. aspirations and goals. Over the course of a session, each person will have an opportunity to talk about what they are doing, and their biggest challenge. The focus group will work together to provide help, ideas, resources and contacts.

What will you gain?

A chance to talk about issues you are passionate about in a supportive group.

A network of like-minded women to help and support your work.

The chance to share ideas and knowledge to boost one another’s projects.

A safe, supportive space to rest and recharge before heading back out into the world.

You want to meet like-minded women to share ideas and support.

An invaluable opportunity!

Feel free to arrive early or stay later to enjoy the new Aspire space. We are open from 9:30am to 5:30pm. There is absolutely no cost, but booking is necessary along with a commitment to attend (even if life gets busy!).

Charities, corporations, social enterprises, small businesses and not-for-profits are all welcome.

In addition to the scheduled sessions, feel free to come along and relax, read a book, listen to some music, or connect with other like-minded women (but this isn’t the day for meetings or bringing your computer for work).

Finally, if you are interested in offering a pro bono service on M.A.D. Fridays, please let us know. We are interested in any ideas that can help and support women and girls. Please contact us here.