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Well cared for women are empowered women, making a bigger impact and a lasting mark in their home, workplaces, communities and beyond. They recognise the ripple effect of individual well-being on the collective. At Aspire, we align with United Nations Goal 5 to achieve gender equality to empower all women and girls, we recognise women’s health and wellbeing as a fundamental human right and a catalyst for for global peace, prosperity and sustainability.


This mastermind meditation class is dedicated to your wellbeing, making self-care a foundation to self-empowerment. Use this time to reconnect, centre and align with yourself and your purpose. Create and build your vision and gain clarity on actionable steps to make a difference.


The meditation class runs for one hour, after each session, there’s an optional 30 minute sharing circle for insights and Q&A, we highly recommend as a wonderful opportunity to integrate. Attendee's can stay after for tea, coffee, connect or work on their creative ideas. Regular attendance supports to integrate these skills into everyday life.

What Makes Us Different?

  • The first company in the UK and a 22 year track record of running inspirational, research-supported workshops designed specifically for the needs and aspirations of women.
  • Our sessions are not about women changing or being 'fixed', they are about skill development, the world needing to catch up with women and what we can do to accelerate that change. 
  • 1-for-1 sponsorship initiative ensures that every paying participant is also a catalyst for another woman’ to attend fostering a supportive, pay-it-forward community of female leaders.
  • Small group allowing for a unique and personal experience.
  • Follow up coaching and support available.
  • An opportunity to get out of the office or your busy schedule to focus on yourself.

Learning Outcomes

  • Practice mindfulness techniques to cultivate present- moment awarenesses and enhance mental clarity, creating a sense of inner calmness and increased focus.
  • Develop your meditation practice, open your creative faculties, incorporating guided visualisations to align your thoughts and intentions with the desired outcome of your day and future.
  • Learn effective strategies to sit with and navigate emotions, increasing emotional intelligence and resilience to maintain calm in pressuring situations,
  • Cultivate inner balance and harmony, leaving each class feeling centred, grounded, and empowered to navigate life’s challenges and increase daily productivity.
  • Experience a transformative journey towards self-discovery and a deeper understanding of yourself and your larger purpose, aligning actions with your values to amplify your impact in the world.
  • Leave each session with a renewed sense of clarity, equipped with practical tools and insights to continue your journey of personal growth and transformation.


Sophia Room at Coldbath Square, London, UK

Sophia is named after Princess Sophia Duleep Singh, a prominent suffragette and one of the first non-white suffragettes in the UK. This is the perfect place for those that need to take time out of their busy lives for a boost of positive energy and space to breath. After all, to drive positive change in your own life and the lives of others, we must nurture our well-being so that we are equipped to tackle challenges with renewed vigour!

Who Attends?

This meditation class attracts a diverse group of women who share a common passion for personal development and inner transformation. These women want to prioritise their health and wellness, seeking to learn self-care techniques and establish a deeper connection between their mind, body, and soul.


They are driven by a desire to expand their influence and make a meaningful impact in their families, work place, communities and beyond.


They value a nurturing space and time to prepare for job advancements, important interviews, speeches, or public speaking engagements. Some are navigating career transitions or embarking on new projects, while others find themselves at a crossroads in their transitional life phases, longing to reignite or rediscover their passions and sense of purpose.


These women seek connection with like-minded individuals who are also growth-driven, preparing to serve as inspirations and role models for a new paradigm of womanhood in the world.

How to find us