Claire Dale, Founder, Director, Physical Intelligence® Institute & Companies in Motion
Claire Dale is a neurophysiology specialist with a background in contemporary dance. She leads powerful development programmes for coaches and for global businesses.
About Claire Dale, Founder, Director, Physical Intelligence® Institute & Companies in Motion
About Claire Dale, Founder, Director, Physical Intelligence® Institute & Companies in Motion
Claire Dale is a neurophysiology specialist with a background in contemporary dance. She leads powerful development programmes for coaches and for global businesses (e.g. Mars, Shell & JPMorgan) enabling Leaders to contribute to positive change. Her award-winning book ‘Physical Intelligence’ won Business Book of the Year in 2020.
In 2021 Claire launched the Physical Intelligence Institute with Kevin Chapman, facilitating coaches to learn new neurochemistry-based embodiment practices. Currently completing her doctorate Claire is researching the connection between behavioural flexibility and corporate agility of leaders.
Claire supports Nasreen Sheikh, Director of Empowerment Collective in her campaign to end modern day slavery, she is also a regular on BBC Radio, and once taught Ed Sheeran to dance!