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You are invited to join us for a complimentary hour of inspiration at the Aspire 'It’s a M.A.D. (Making a Difference) World' online event. 


At this event, we will explore the latest thinking about the empowerment of women, why there is still a critical need to close the gender gap and how women are transforming their lives, careers, businesses and society.

Join us and…

* Gain new ideas and thinking to move forward on your aspirations for yourself, your organisation and community.
* From career development to workplace equality to race equity to mental health to climate change, think through how you can make a difference no matter who you are or what you do.
* Seek diverse views to challenge your thinking with diverse individuals who see the world differently.
* Receive support and encouragement from a like-minded network of women and male allies making a difference to themselves and others.
* Be inspired and uplifted by others' goals and aspirations.
* Commit to action and ongoing change and sustainability.    


Date: Tuesday November 26th at 3pm GMT for 60 minutes via Zoom. If you can't make the date, please register to receive the recording.


Complimentary/no cost invitation, please register HERE.